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dc.description.abstractBoys and men are diverse with respect to their race, ethnicity, culture, migration status, age, socioeconomic status, ability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religious affiliation. Each of these social identities contributes uniquely and in intersecting ways to shape how men experience and perform their masculinities, which in turn contribute to relational, psychological, and behavioral health outcomes in both positive and negative ways (e.g., Arellano-Morales, Liang, Ruiz, & Rios-Oropeza, 2015; Kiselica, Benton-Wright, & Englar-Carlson, 2016). Although boys and men, as a group, tend to hold privilege and power based on gender, they also demonstrate disproportionate rates of receiving harsh discipline (e.g., suspension and expulsion), academic challenges (e.g., dropping out of high school, particularly among African American and Latino boys), mental health issues (e.g., completed suicide), physical health problems (e.g., cardiovascular problems), public health concerns (e.g., violence, substance abuse, incarceration, and early mortality), and a wide variety of other quality-of-life issues (e.g., relational problems, family well-being; for comprehensive reviews, see Levant & Richmond, 2007; Moore & Stuart, 2005; O’Neil, 2015). Additionally, many men do not seek help when they need it, and many report distinctive barriers to receiving gender-sensitive psychological treatment (Mahalik, Good, Tager, Levant, & Mackowiak, 2012). The development of guidelines for psychological practice with boys and men may help to attend to the barriers that lead to the aforementioned disparities. Indeed, the American Psychological Association (APA) has developed guidelines for psychologists working with specific populations such as gay/lesbian/bisexual clients (2012), racial and ethnic minority clients (2017a), older adults (2014), transgender and gender-non-conforming persons (2015a), and girls and women (2007). The APA also has developed guidelines for psychological practice in health care delivery systems (2013a), forensic psychology (2013b), and psychological evaluation in child protection matters (2013c). These guidelines serve to (a) improve service delivery among populations, (b) stimulate public policy initiatives, and (c) provide professional guidance based on advances in the field. Accordingly, the present document offers guidelines for psychological practice with boys and men.en_US
dc.titleAPA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Men and Boysen_US
dc.typeDiger Kuruluslara Ait Raporlaren_US

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