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dc.contributor.authorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality
dc.description.abstractThis publication was prepared under the gender mainstreaming programme of the European Institute for Gender Equality. It constitutes the integral part of EIGE’s Gender Mainstreaming Platform. The work published on the Platform represents a joint effort of EIGE Gender Mainstreaming Team and various experts and contractors who contributed in varying degrees to different sections of the Platform: Catarina Arnaut, Davide Barbieri, Daria Broglio, Irene Dankelman, Marianne Dauvellier, Jane Dennehy, Aleksandra Duda, Lucy Ferguson, Elena Ferrari, Maxime Forest, Katia Frangoudes, Regina Frey, Pat Irving, Manuela Samek Lodovici, Daniela Loi, Lin McDevitt-Pugh, Katerina Mantouvalou, Lut Mergaert, Siobán O’Brien Green, Nicola Orlando, Thera van Osch, Flavia Pesce, Irene Pimminger, Sheila Quinn, Cristina Radoi, Alide Roerink, Lenka Simerska, Cristina Vasilescu, Nathalie Wuiame and Margherita Sofia Zambelli. EIGE would also like to thank its Experts’ Forum Members, Members from the Gender Mainstreaming Thematic Network and the European Commission who have contributed to a large extent with their expertise, ideas and feedback. This publication is available online through EIGE’s Gender Mainstreaming Platform: The European Institute for Gender Equality created the online Platform on Gender Mainstreaming to support the EU institutions and governmental bodies with the integration of a gender perspective in their work. The Platform provides insights on the relevance of gender in a variety of policy areas and offers online tools for gender mainstreaming. The Platform helps to improve individual and institutional competences to mainstream gender into the different sectorial areas and throughout the different stages of the development of any policy/programme/project. Understanding how to design, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate policies from a gender perspective will strengthen EU policies, increasing their societal relevance and responsiveness.en_US
dc.publisherEuropean Institute for Gender Equalityen_US
dc.titleGender in justiceen_US
dc.typeAvrupa Birliği Raporuen_US

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