Toplam kayıt 6, listelenen: 3-6

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      Functionality and design of EIGES's database on Gender Statistics Online Discussion Report 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2016)
      The online discussion on “Functionality and design of EIGE’s database on gender statistics” took place on the 15th of July 2014. It was organised to support the EIGE staff in the development of a new database, which will ...
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      Gender mainstreaming: gender statistics and indicators 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019)
      This briefing introduces gender statistics and indicators and explains why they are important tools to promote gender equality and implement a gender mainstreaming approach. Put simply, gender statistics and indicators ...
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      Statistical Update 2018 Human Development Indices and Indicators 

      UNDP (United Nations, 2018)
      Human Development Indices and Indicators: 2018 Statistical update is being released to ensure consistency in reporting on key human development indices and statistics. It includes an analysis of the state of human ...
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      Türkiye’de Yükseköğretimdeki Cinsiyet Eşit(siz)liği : 1984 - 2018 

      O’Neil, Mary Lou; Aldanmaz, Bahar; Quirant Quiles, Rosa Maria; Rose, Nathaniel; Altuntaş, Deniz; Tekmen, Hilal; Kar, Aytekin (Kadir Has Universitesi Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, 2019)
      1981 yılında yürürlüğe giren mevcut 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu sonrasında Türkiye yükseköğretim alanında devasa bir büyümeye ve değişime sahne oldu. En eski verilerin dayandığı 1984 yılında, ülkede toplam 335.165 ...