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dc.contributor.authorNorges Idretsforbund
dc.description.abstractWithin Norwegian sports there is Zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment irrespective of gender, ethnic background, religious faith, sexual orientation and disability. It is an important goal to develop tolerance and understanding and to establish recognition of people’s equality in order to avoid discrimination, harassment and bullying. Everyone within sports should seek to establish secure settings and a secure atmosphere for children, youth and adults alike. Adults must respect the athlete’s personal space and never overstep the limits for acceptable behaviour. By sexual harassment we mean unwelcome sexual attention that is offensive to the object to such attention. By sexual abuse we mean to trick or coerce a person into a sexual relationship the person does not want, or is not sufficiently mature to consent to.en_US
dc.publisherNorges Idretsforbunden_US
dc.titleGuidelines to prevent sexual harassment and abuse in sporten_US
dc.typeDiger Kuruluslara Ait Raporlaren_US

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