Now showing items 41-60 of 71

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      Gender in Research 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2022)
      Promoting gender equality is a key principle of the EU in all its activities. European research still shows a pronounced under-representation of women, particularly in the hard sciences and in leadership positions. Gender ...
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      Gender in research 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2017)
      European research still shows a pronounced under-representation of women, particularly in the so-called hard sciences and in leadership positions. Gender equality in research is essential not only for fairness, but because ...
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      Gender in sport 

      European Institute for Gender Equality (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2017)
      From a gender perspective, sport exemplifies a societal and cultural process in which the social construction of femininity and masculinity plays a key role in influencing behaviours and approaches. A number of practical ...
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      Gender in sport 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2016)
      Traditionally, sport has been dominated by men, both in terms of participation and governance. Worldwide, women’s participation rates in sporting activities are lower than men’s. Yet over the last 20 years significant ...
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      Gender inequalities in care and consequences for the labour market 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2021)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of both paid and unpaid care work for a well-functioning society and economy. During the pandemic, the burden of work for carers has increased dramatically, whether they ...
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      Gender mainstreaming: gender budgeting 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019)
      "Gender budgeting is not a special approach to budgeting or even an add-on to budgeting. Rather, gender budgeting is an approach to budgeting that can improve it, when fiscal policies and administrative procedures are ...
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      Gender mainstreaming: gender stakeholder consultation 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2018)
      Gender stakeholder consultation promotes the participation of women and men in the policymaking process to ensure that their voices are heard and their priorities are reflected in policies, programmes and projects. Gender ...
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      Gender Planning 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019)
      Mainstreaming a gender perspective into policies, programmes and projects requires that both women’s and men’s needs are taken into consideration at all stages of the policy cycle. Gender planning refers to the process of ...
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      Gender-responsive evaluation 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2024)
      Gender-responsive evaluations assess to what extent an intervention has resulted in progress (or the lack thereof) towards intended and/or unintended results regarding gender equality. It assesses any changes related to ...
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      Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2024)
      The gender-responsive evaluation for an environmental and sustainable future for all (GREENA) step-by-step toolkit provides practical know-how to assess gender impacts and the implementation of gender-responsive evaluation ...
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      Gender-responsive public procurement Step-by-step toolkit 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2022)
      This practical toolkit for implementing gender-responsive public procurement (GRPP) in the EU context is designed for contracting authorities at all levels (national, regional and local), including EU institutions, bodies ...
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      Gender-sensitive education and training for the integration of third-country nationals 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019)
      This paper looks at how gender equality and women’s empowerment are considered in the policies and actions supporting the integration of third-country nationals through education and training. Embedding a gender equality ...
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      Gender-specific measures in anti-trafficking actions 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2018)
      Trafficking for sexual exploitation is the most commonly reported form of human trafficking in the European Union. It is a form of gender-based violence that disproportionately affects women. 95% of registered victims of ...
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      Good Practices in Gender Mainstreaming 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2011)
      This publication intends to present the EIGE’s approach to collecting, processing and disseminating good practices in gender mainstreaming. This publication is the result of contributions made by the EIGE’s Thematic ...
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      Improving legal responses to counter femicide in the European Union: Perspectives from victims and professionals 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2023)
      Femicide, commonly understood as the killing of a woman or girl because of her gender, is the most extreme form of gender-based violence, deeply rooted in the inequalities between men and women in society. It is estimated ...
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      Institutional Transformation: Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2016)
      Equality is one of the core values upon which the European Union is founded, and equality between women and men is one of the Union’s essential aims. To achieve gender equality, the European Union has adopted an approach ...
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      Methodological guidance Administrative data collection on violence against women and domestic violence 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2024)
      This report provides guidance for national data providers to participate in EIGE's data collection exercise.
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      The pathway to progress: strengthening effective structures for gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the EU 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2023)
      The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) collected data from all European Union (EU) Member States to assess the situation of institutional mechanisms for the promotion of gender equality and gender mainstreaming ...
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      Police and justice sector data on intimate partner violence against women in the European Union 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019)
      Quality administrative data that are available and comparable are key to understanding the scale of intimate partner violence in the EU and monitoring progress in tackling it. Administrative data measure the response of ...
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      Poverty, gender and intersecting inequalities in the EU: Report 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2016)
      Poverty in Europe today is more than just a lack of resources for survival. It also involves a loss of opportunities for meaningful participation in all areas of life, which can cause detachment and exclusion of such people ...