Now showing items 1-20 of 38

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      Guide to Gender Sensitive Indicators 

      Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA (CIDA, 1997)
      The Guide to Gender-Sensitive Indicators and the Project-Level Handbook are the final products of a 14-month research project completed with the Division for Women in Development and Gender Equity in CIDA's Policy Branch. ...
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      Measuring Empowerment - A Methodological Approach 

      Society for International Development; Pradhan, Bına (Society for International Development, 2003)
      Bina Pradhan synthesizes the feminist and socioeconomic institutional perspectives embedded in the policy and programmes that use empowerment as a way to address gender inequality and the power dynamics between women and ...
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      GENDER and INDICATORS: Supporting Resources Collection 

      Esplen, Emily; Bell, Emma (UNDP, 2007-07)
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      GENDER and INDICATORS Overview Report 

      Moser, Annalise (UNDP, 2007-07)
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      Empty Promises Gender Scorecard of World BankManaged Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Indonesia 

      Dennis, Suzanna; Yunus, Warisha (Gender Action, 2008)
      Gender Action was established in 2002. It is the only organization dedicated to promoting gender equality and women's rights in all Financial Institution (FI) investments such as those of the World Bank — the largest public ...
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      Human Trafficking Indicators 

      UNODC (United Nations, 2009-02-05)
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      Cinsiyet Eşitliği Endeksi 

      European Institute for Gender Equality (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2010)
      Avrupa Cinsiyet Eşitliği Enstitüsü (EIGE), AB’nin cinsiyet eşitliği bilgi merkezidir. EIGE, karar mercilerine ve tüm ilgili kuruluşlara Avrupa'da cinsiyet eşitliği hakkında belirli bir uzmanlığın yanı sıra karşılaştırılabilir ...
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      Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitsizliği Endeksi (TCEE): Sıkça Sorulan Sorular 

      Birleşmiş Milletler (Birleşmiş Milletler, 2010)
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      Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool 

      UNECE; WBI (United Nations, 2010)
      Gender statistics is not a discrete or isolated field. It cuts across traditional fields of statistics, such as economics, agriculture, health and employment, to explore the differences that exist between women and men in ...
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      Gender Issue Guide: Housing and Slum Upgrading 

      UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme 2012, 2012)
      Access to adequate housing is a fundamental human right and is enshrined in numerous international agreements and conventions. “Within the overall context of an enabling approach,” states Paragraph 61 of the Habitat Agenda, ...
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      EU LGBT survey European Union lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender survey 

      European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2013)
      The survey asked lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people whether they had experienced discrimination, violence, verbal abuse or hate speech on the grounds of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The ...
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      Tool Kit on Gender Equality Results and Indicators 

      Australian Aid (Asian Development Bank, 2013)
      This Tool Kit on Gender Equality Results and Indicators is a joint publication of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Australia. It was prepared by Juliet Hunt, consultant, under the supervision of Shireen ...
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      Gender Equality Index - Report 

      EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2013)
      This report is a result of the Institute’s work of the past three years, which presents a synthetic measure of gender equality – the Gender Equality Index. It is the only index that gives a comprehensive map of gender gaps ...
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      İnsan Ticareti İle Mücadele, Yıllara Göre Mağdur Sayısı 

      İç İşleri Bakanlığı Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü (Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü, 2014)
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      Women, Peace and Security Statistics: Where We Stand and How to Move Forward 

      UNWomen (UN Women, 2014)
      Women and men are affected by conflict differently. Women often have fewer economic and other resources to protect themselves, they are frequently victims of sexual violence as a war tactic and they tend to be left out ...
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      Trafficking in Human Beings 

      Eurostat (European Union, 2015)
      The indicators used in this report were developed in consultation with the Eurostat Working Group on Crime Statistics, the DG Home Affairs Group of Experts on the Policy Needs for Data on Crime and the Informal Network of ...
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      BM Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri 

      Birleşmiş Milletler (Birleşmiş Milletler, 2015)
      Eylül 2000’de toplanan BM Genel Kurulu’nda 147 devlet ya da hükümet başkanı (ve toplam 189 üye ülke) “küresel düzeyde insan onuru, eşitlik ve esenlik ilkelerinin güçlendirilmesi için topluca taşıdıkları sorumluluğu” kabul ...
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      City Resilience Index 

      The Rockefeller Foundation; ARUP (The Rockefeller Foundation, 2015)
      Urban populations are facing increasing challenges from numerous natural and manmade pressures such as rapid urbanisation, climate change, terrorism and increased risks from natural hazards. Cities must learn to adapt and ...
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      Governance by Indicators: Opportunities for Democracy? 

      Malito, Debora V.; Umbach, Gaby (European University Institute, 2015)
      Over recent decades, demands for improving the quality of democracy and for monitoring democratic processes have stimulated the sophistication of data collection, management and evaluation. Yet, and presumably exactly ...