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dc.contributor.authorDedeoğlu, Saniye
dc.description.abstractThe report “Women Friendly Digital Way: Digitalization and Female Labour Force in Tourism and Manufacturing Sectors in Türkiye”, which analyzses digital transformation in terms of women's labour and workforce, was published. The report was prepared within the scope of the Digital Way Project implemented by the General Directorate of Development Agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The project aimed to enable SMEs operating in the manufacturing and tourism sector to manage their digital transformation processes properly and increase their productivity, as well as to contribute to reducing inequalities between regions.en_US
dc.publisherUNDP Türkiyeen_US
dc.titleWomen Friendly Digital Way: Report on Digitalization and Female Labour Force in Tourism and Manufacturing Sectors in Türkiyeen_US
dc.typeBirleşmiş Milletler Raporuen_US

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