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dc.description.abstractDon’t we already know that things have improved for girls and women in recent decades, from increased access to education and the growing number of women in leadership roles, to the strengthening of feminist movements around the world? Can this Index really tell us anything we don’t already know about global progress on gender equality? Is there more to do, even after $40 billion was pledged at the Generation Equality Forum in Paris in June 2021? The answer to these questions is a resounding yes. If we are to reach the vision laid out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for people and our planet, we must track progress – or the lack of it – with a gender lens across the whole of the 2030 Agenda. And we must use the resulting data to drive accountability for gender equality commitments. The SDG Gender Index is the most comprehensive tool available to do precisely that. Yes, there has been some measurable progress towards gender equality since the 1995 World Conference on Women in Beijing, and yet none of us lives in a country that has achieved the full promise of equality envisioned in the SDGs nor are most countries on track to achieve those goals by 2030. Even if most countries worldwide seem to be making some advances on gender equality, tools like the SDG Gender Index are essential to sound the alarm at the slow pace, the limited scale and the profound fragility of these advances. This is vital as we navigate in light of global shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic and other ongoing and future crises that we know will follow. The Index has been developed by the EM2030 partnership, which brings together national, regional and global leaders from feminist networks, civil society, international development and the private sector to connect data and evidence with advocacy and action on gender equality. The partnership is driven by a shared belief: that data can expose inequality and injustice, motivate change and drive accountability. The 2022 SDG Gender Index is the result of years of dialogue and learning across our ‘global to local’ partnership and beyond. The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated our discussions and thinking around the Index, even though it is too soon to gauge its full impact on girls and women, in all their diversity, worldwide. One thing is clear, however: the pandemic has exposed and intensified the severe and intersecting inequalities that were already holding them back, long before any of us had heard of COVID-19. What matters now is what we do next. As well as illustrating the many challenges, the Index has a positive message: that rapid progress is possible. The Index data, and the clear policy recommendations we have drawn from the Index findings and our collective experience, chart a course based on the vision of EM2030: a just, peaceful and sustainable world, where all girls and women have equal power, voice, opportunity and access to their rights, in line with the SDGs.en_US
dc.publisherEqual Measures 2030en_US
dc.titleBack to Normal Is not Enough 2022 SDG Gender Indexen_US
dc.typeDiger Kuruluslara Ait Raporlaren_US

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