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dc.description.abstractThe “3RP Livelihoods and Employment Data Analysis” briefing provides an overview of the progress made by 3RP partners towards fostering jobs and income opportuniঞ es for Syrian refugees and host communiঞ es. While the Government generous policy framework opens up access to the labour market for Syrian refugees, only 40,000 of them currently hold a work permit. In parallel, poverty and negaঞ ve coping mechanisms remain prevalent among refugees, while frustraঞ ons and tensions among the host community related to lack of employment opportuniঞ es are mounঞ ng. This situaঞ on requires 3RP partners to step up eff orts related to job creaঞ on. The report esঞ mates that the response is currently supporঞ ng around 27,100 jobs through the eff orts of various sectors (livelihoods and food security, but also hiring of volunteer teachers, of translators for public insঞ tuঞ ons, etc...). However, reaching the necessary scale on job creaঞ on would require significantly expanding the livelihoods sector, notably through be er integraঞ on of programming and through increased partnership with the private sectoren_US
dc.title3RP Livelihoods And Employment Data Analysis: 2017 Progress and Way Forward for 2018-2019en_US
dc.typeBirleşmiş Milletler Raporuen_US

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