Toplam kayıt 4, listelenen: 1-4

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      Fiscal Policies and Gender Equality 

      IMF (International Monetary Fund, 2018)
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      Gender: IMF Strategy Toward Mainstreaming Gender 

      IMF (International Monetary Fund, 2022)
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      Measuring Economic Welfare: What and How? 

      Reinsdorf, Marshall B (International Monetary Fund, 2020)
      Calls for a more people-focused approach to statistics on economic performance, and concerns about inequality, environmental impacts, and effects of digitalization have put welfare at the top of the measurement agenda. ...
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      Women in the Labor Force: The Role of Fiscal Policies 

      Fabrizio, Stefania; Fruttero, Anna; Gurara, Daniel; Kolovich, Lisa; Malta, Vivian; Tavares, Marina M.; Tchelishvili, Nino (International Monetary Fund, 2020)
      Despite the increase in female labor force participation over the past three decades, women still do not have the same opportunities as men to participate in economic activities in most countries. The average female labor ...