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dc.description.abstractThis report was prepared by the OECD Development Centre at the request of W20 Japanese presidency. It analyses progress made and remaining challenges across the ambitious W20 gender equality objectives, by adopting a “Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI1) lens” which takes discriminatory social institutions (laws, norms and practices) into account. Building on the SIGI approach and data, the first part of the report provides an assessment of progress while identifying the main challenges and a set of proposed indicators for three of the four W20 pillars2 (labour equity, financial equity and governance) to monitor countries’ paths towards the achievement of W20 targets across all G20 countries. It concludes by proposing policy recommendations for the next W20 presidency. The second part of the report provides country profiles for G20 members3 which highlight the main legal and social norms challenges for each country and offer examples of good practices, as well as contextualised policy recommendations. For each country, data and information are based on the SIGI country profiles, the Gender, Institutions and Development Database (GID-DB), as well as most recent OECD and external sources found for the three pillars.en_US
dc.titleFrom promises to action: Addressing discriminatory social institutions to accelerate gender equality in G20 countriesen_US

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